FOSSMeet 2018

FOSSMeet 2018

FOSSMeet is an annual event at NIT Calicut that brings together the Free and Open Source Community from around the country.



Improving UX with Custom ROMs

Submitted Nov 13, 2017

This talk will provide an introduction to custom Android ROMs, and help developers recognise the elements of custom ROMs that enable users to enjoy their phones more and provide convenience without being too intrusive and gimmicky.


Topics :

  • What is a custom ROM?
    In this part the audience will get a brief idea about custom ROMs and how it will be a game changer for the future.
  • What is UserExperience(UX)?
    Here they will get to know more about UserExperience and how it is related to custom ROMs.
  • Features that improve UX
    In this part audience will learn more about UX. They will be shown live demos of these features.

  • How can Substratum theming change the way you use your phone?
    This is a really intresting part because most of the people dont know about Substratum theming, and how it will increase UX.

  • What is Xposed Module and how it helps in UX?
    This will be the last session during which we will be getting to know more about Xposed module and how it works, along with how it can fill the gaps of Stock ROMs. This feature could be used as an alternative to custom ROMs itslef to imporve UX.


None. All you need to be is an Android enthusiast.

Speaker bio

Vibhoothi Anand is a CSE student at Amrita School of Engineering, Amritapuri. He has been building custom ROMs since 2017. He is currently a member of the VertexOS custom Android ROM team where he maintains for OnePlus 2.
In his college there is a club named Foss@Amrita, where people contribute to various open source organisations and he is part of the club. His intrest in custom ROMs began when his phone(OnePlus 2) encountered serious issues like heating, very low battery life, and poor support from the manufacturer. So he relied on custom ROMs. Later on he found that this really helped his phone and it’s quality. Performance and efficiency have also increased.


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FOSSMeet is an annual event on Free and Open Source Software, conducted at National Institute of Technology, Calicut. The funnel is a space for proposals and voting on events. more