FOSSMeet 2017

FOSSMeet is an annual event at NIT Calicut that brings together the Free and Open Source Community from around the country.

Sruthi Chandran


Workshop on Debian Packaging

Submitted Nov 13, 2016

This will be a hands-on session as a follow-up of “What, how and why of Debian packaging” session

Initially, steps in packaging will be demonstrated by packaging one nodejs-module (server-side js).

In the second stage, tasks will be assigned to the attendees which they have to do individually.


Tools used in packaging
Steps in packaging

Actual Packaging


  1. You MUST have attended the session “What, how and why of Debian packaging”

  2. You MUST have a debian unstable system (physical, virtual machine or a container) If you already have a GNU/Linux system, lxc would be the easiest to setup sudo apt-get install lxc && lxc-create -n debian-sid -t debian --- -r sid

See with-lxc/ for more info on using lxc. You’ll have to use lxc-attach instead of lxc-console to connect to the container. Create a new user with adduser and switch to that user with su - <username>.

  1. Install packaging tools

    apt-get install dh-make gem2deb npm2deb

  2. Understand how a basic command line program is created and installed using a simple Makefile
    See for an example

  3. Get a basic overview of packaging from Debian New Maintainer’s Guide

Speaker bio

I am basically a Librarian who got introduced to Debian just an year back - currently a Debian Maintainer.

I have packaged more than 100 Debian packages which includes node-modules, ruby-gems and fonts.

I have also conducted a couple of packaging workshops including one in Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, in addition to the general mentoring activity.


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FOSSMeet is an annual event on Free and Open Source Software, conducted at National Institute of Technology, Calicut. The funnel is a space for proposals and voting on events. more