FOSSMeet 2016

FOSSMeet is an annual event at NIT Calicut that brings together the Free and Open Source Community from around the country.

Ramya Ragupathy


Designing the next generation of maps using OpenStreetMap data

Submitted Jan 22, 2016

Participants will be introduced to the basics of leveraging open source geospatial (GIS) data from the OpenStreetMap (OSM) project, design custom maps with this data, add interactivity and quickly publish it on the web with Mapbox Studio.


Geodata is exponentially stacking up and the tremendous challenge is to transform this into something impactful and understandable for the common man. This is where maps come to play! Digital maps drive the location based services - from looking for driving directions, getting restaurant recommendations, to hailing a cab, our reliance on location-based data is growing. The next generation of digital maps is being led by a revolution in open source alternatives like the fast growing OpenStreetMap project.

Openstreetmap, with its community of more than 2 million contributors, is the wikipedia of maps. If you find your favorite store missing on the map, you can directly add it to OpenStreetMap. It’s for everyone, and anyone interested can create their own maps using the data. If needed the whole world data can be downloaded offline!

This workshop will focus on how you can deploy OpenStreetMap data and create beautiful maps with platforms like Mapbox Studio. Everyone can try their hand at mapmaking and visualizing geodata on the web to tell powerful stories. Create map data, design maps with your own fonts and colors, and share them with the world! The range of possibilities is limited only by your creativity.

In this workshop we will:

  • Introduce people to OpenStreetMap
  • Create data with OpenStreetMap
  • Provide a full tour of the Studio interface from ground up
  • Cover basic map styling conventions using OpenStreetMap data, and
  • Walk through the steps for publishing your very own map on your web


Participants interested in attending this workshop should be open minded, eager to learn something new, and bring their own laptop.

Participants will need to signup for a free account on OpenStreetMap and Mapbox prior to the workshop.

Speaker bio

Ramya works on improving OpenStreetMap data, and creating interesting data visualisations with maps. She likes taking GPS traces, and photographic records of her travels and translates them into useful geodata on OpenStreetMap and Mapillary.

Before Mapbox, she built installers using open source tools while working as a build engineer. She takes an active interest in the Tamil language, and spent a few years translating technical articles to tamil. She’d enjoy a conversation about Tamil literature and fun maps.


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FOSSMeet is an annual event on Free and Open Source Software, conducted at National Institute of Technology, Calicut. The funnel is a space for proposals and voting on events. more