Submit a talk on data

Submit a talk on data

Submit talks on data engineering, data science, machine learning, big data and analytics through the year – 2019

##This space is open for submitting proposals on data engineering, data science, machine learning, big data and analytics through the year in 2019.

We will host data events round the year, in 2019. Talks for these conferences will be selected from here. Submit a proposal any time.

##Should you have queries, write to us on or call us on 7676332020

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All about data science and machine learning

ravi teja


When NLP meets Analytics @ Sentienz

Submitted Jul 3, 2018

“What’s my best selling product in India in March?”


“What’s the expected demand to my product in Asia next month?”

How nice it would be, if an analytics tool can give these answers directly, without writing a SQL query.
We at Sentienz, have built Statonium, which does this very thing!

Statonium gives a holistic view of data for advanced analytics using natural language queries. The data world is making things easier day by day and this is one effort augmenting that.

The talk will focus on presenting a solution wherein the users need not know about database and schema also, save time and try out different queries for various categories.

We are providing a NLP framework which will leverage AI and deep learning to allow users to talk with BI objects in natural language eliminating the need of learning any specific database language. The talk even focuses on the morphologies and ontologies of general queries.

Credits: Gregory Varghese, Subramanya TA, Chitra Nair



  1. Current analytics gaps
  2. Whats the power of NLP with Analytics
  3. Statonium Architecture
  4. Query Training
  5. Intent and Entity Detection
  6. Future work

Speaker bio

Ravi Teja works as a Platforms Architect at Sentienz Bangalore, a startup which works on AI and Big Data. He has been working with Big Data and Data platforms for over 8 years at Flipkart, PayPal and Huawei.


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All about data science and machine learning