Experimentation in Data Science

Experimentation in Data Science

Making Data Science Work: Session 5

The ‘science’ in Data Science refers to the process of developing systematic understanding of the world through observations and experimentation. This science is happening in the context of fast moving organizations, in near realtime, and by folks who have varied backgrounds. The most familiar version of the experimentation is the A/B testing. In this session, panelists Paul Meinshausen, Co-Founder at Aampe and Bargava Subramanian, Co-Founder and CTO of Binaize will explore:

  1. What does it mean to do science in organizations?
  2. How important is experimentation? How should organizations think about it?
  3. How to choose what to experiment with - feasibility, value, ROI? How?
  4. What are some under-appreciated elements of the experimentation?
  5. How does the business context (B2B versus B2C) impact the design?
  6. What are some standard methods?
  7. What is the shelf life of any learning?
  8. How do we cope with experimentation given many dimensions?
  9. How can we secure experiementation against interference?
  10. How do we prepare the organization and infrastructure to enable experimentation?


  1. Experimentation in Data Science - list of technical references and further readings on the concept compiled by Paul Meinhausen -

Registration Register to participate via Zoom. Zoom link will be shared one day before the event. Or, watch the livestream on this page.

Registered participants can also leave comments and questions for the hosts and speakers, which will be taken up during the session.

Previous session: The previous session was held on 1 July. Summary of the session is available on https://hasgeek.com/fifthelephant/making-data-science-work-4/

About the curators: Venkata Pingali and Indrayudh Ghoshal of Scribble Data have curated this session. Scribble Data is a Bangalore/Toronto startup, active in the data community.

About the series producer: The Fifth Elephant is platform for practitioners working with data (engineering, to application of data science for different use cases) to showcase their work and to collaborate.

For further inquiries, contact 7676332020 or write to fifthelephant.editorial@hasgeek.com


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Experimentation in Data Science

Experimentation in Data Science

Paul Meinhausen, Bargava S., Indrayudh Ghoshal, Venkata Pingali

1 hour15 July 2020

Hosted by

Jump starting better data engineering and AI futures