GenAI conversations: Early applications, policies, design and more


NEW on The Fifth Elephant - Video Playlists ▶️

We’re happy to introduce video playlists, specially curated for members of The Fifth Elephant, starting with this one on GenAI.

If you want to dig deeper into a topical theme, the videos in this playlist are good resources to get started with. The videos are compiled from livestreams and recordings of The Fifth Elephant’s archives. Click on any video in the list to begin watching.

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What is in this playlist?

This five-part video playlist gives you an overview beyond the hype, and get a closer look at the diverse conversations and insights around GenAI; understand the evolving landscape of GenAI’s applications in India, with an ear to the ground.

View the playlist here ▶️

1. Navigating the AI Landscape - Signal messenger app’s survival in a surveillance landscape
Meredith Whittaker, President of Signal Foundation and Kiran Jonnalagadda, Hasgeek discuss how Signal tackles mass surveillance in a tech landscape dominated by big corporations, offering insights into strategies for resilience and growth.
Curated and organized by

2. Mission AI4Bharat - What and why
Dr. Pratyush Kumar explains why he chose to focus on language technologies for social good. Review how AI4Bharat has embarked on a mission to harness AI for the betterment of society.
Curated and organized by

3. Strategies against AI hallucinations - AI hallucination strategies
The GenAI journey takes a technical turn as Abhinav Verma, CTO at helps you explore strategies to reduce AI hallucinations. The Q&A session provides valuable insights on how to use GPT for Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG).
Curated and organized by

4. Deep Hack highlights - Generative AI hackathon
In the bustling chapter of innovation, witness the highlights from the Generative AI’s Deep Hack hackathon. The collaboration between community, hackers, jury and sponsors led to a showcase of innovative projects. These paint a vibrant picture of creativity in action.
Curated and organized by

5. The intersection of AI and Design - Future impact of AI on design
Suhrid Palsule takes us on a journey at the intersection of AI and design. His insights into the impact of Generative AI on creativity and potential future developments add a visionary dimension to the narrative.
Curated and organized by

View the playlist here ▶️

Sign up for The Fifth Elephant membership to access the contents of this playlist.

#GenAI #ArtificalIntelligence #AIinnovation #TechFuture #EmergingTech #AICommunity #AIForGood


See all
Navigating the AI Landscape - Signal’s Survival in a Surveillance Landscape

Navigating the AI Landscape - Signal’s Survival in a Surveillance Landscape

Meredith Whittaker, Kiran Jonnalagadda

1 hour
Mission AI4Bharat

Mission AI4Bharat

Dr. Pratyush Kumar

1 hour
Strategies Against AI Hallucinations

Strategies Against AI Hallucinations

Abhinav Verma

43 minutes
Generative AI Hackathon

Generative AI Hackathon

GenAI Community

6 minutes
The Intersection of AI and Design

The Intersection of AI and Design

Suhrid Palsule

1 hour

Hosted by

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