Ensuring data quality with contracts and lineage

Ensuring data quality with contracts and lineage

Ensuring data quality with contracts and Lineage

About the workshop 📚

In the modern data landscape, ensuring data quality and integrity is paramount.
This workshop explores the concept of data contracts as a schema registry, incorporating Data Quality (DQ) checks and leveraging OpenLineage to capture compliance failures.

Participants will learn how to implement data contracts to enforce strict data quality standards and track lineage to understand the impact of discrepancies. This approach not only enhances data reliability but also provides clear visibility into data workflows, facilitates better decision-making and accountability.

This workshop will cover both fundamental concepts and advanced techniques. The instructors will refer to real-world case studies, and discuss future trends.

  • This workshop is of two hours duration.
  • This is an online workshop.
  • Only 35 seats are open for workshop participation.
  • Recording of the workshop will be made available for The Fifth Elephant members.

Workshop outline 🗂️

Part 1: Introduction and Fundamentals

  • Importance of data quality in modern organizations.
  • Understanding data contracts: definition and benefits.
  • Integrating data quality checks within data contracts.
  • Introduction to OpenLineage: concepts and architecture.
  • Capturing compliance failures with OpenLineage.
  • Real-world applications of data contracts and OpenLineage.

Part 2: Advanced Techniques and Case Studies

  • Implementing data contracts in your organization: best practices.
  • Automating data quality checks: tools and techniques.
  • Visualizing data lineage: tools and strategies.
  • Case studies: how customers improved data quality with data contracts and OpenLineage.
  • Evolving role of schema registries and lineage tracking in data ecosystems.

Important prerequisites to attend the workshop📝

Participants must install the Atlan CLI locally- how to download - before coming to the workshop.

How will participants benefit from the workshop 🎓

By the end of the workflow, participants will:

  • Understand lineage and data contracts, along with their practical use cases.
  • Discover the benefits of combining data contracts and lineage.
  • Learn Atlan’s perspective on data contracts.
  • Gain hands-on experience with real-life use cases.

Who should attend this workshop 👨 💻

  • Data engineers
  • Data scientists
  • Data analysts

This workshop may also interest:

  • Data governance teams
  • IT managers
  • Compliance officers

About the instructors 👨 🏫

Shikhar Vaish is Senior Product Manager working on data governance and data quality initiatives at Atlan.

Rahul Madan is a software engineer at Atlan, specializing in data lineage. He is an active contributor to OpenLineage, an open source project which aims to establish a standard for real-time lineage metadata collection.

Bichitra Sahoo is Senior Software Engineer at Atlan.

How to Register

This workshop is free to attend for The Fifth Elephant members or The Fifth Elephant Conference ticket buyers.

This workshop is open to 35 participants only. Seats will be available on first-come-first-serve basis. RSVP to secure a seat. 🎟️

Contact information ☎️

For inquiries about the workshop, contact +91-7676332020 or write to info@hasgeek.com


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Ensuring data quality with contracts and lineage

Ensuring data quality with contracts and lineage

2 hours12 July 2024



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