The Fifth Elephant 2013

An Event on Big Data and Cloud Computing

Mahesh Tiyyagura


Streaming live-data to LCD screens in office (using opensource tools and Rs. 4300)

Submitted May 20, 2013

We’ll cover ideas, software and hardware that can be used to create and display beautiful real-time visualizations of different metrics/events on to LCD TV’s in your office.

Displaying real-time metrics like Pageviews, Errors, Sales trend, Top performing call center agents, Best Banners on site etc.. adds life and color to an otherwise dull and boring office walls. Since the Nrs are always in your face -- It forces people in the office to think and talk in metrics instead of relying on hunches.


This session will cover how we collect a large Nr of events in near real-time, process, index and store them. More importantly, how quickly can we extract interesting metrics, build beautiful widgets for it and live-broadcast on to your TV screen, Monitors, Smart phone etc..

SearchEngines (ElasticSearch,Solr) expose a very powerful feature: “Faceting of search results”. By constructing smart queries on your events index and faceting on the metric of interest over different time ranges, you can pull a live stream of real-time analytics from a continually updating index.

The challenge is in engineering this idea for BigData -- We’ll delve into how the search engine is tuned to be blazing fast on such data sets. A large but static index of past data and small but high-writes index of current data are leveraged to answer powerful analytic queries.

The last part is how you can use the low cost chipsets like AllWinner (Rs 4300/-) that run Android4.0, has wifi and HDMI output to display beautiful widgets created using the dashing framework to your screens.

Speaker bio

Mahesh, loves technology and hacking code. His curiosity keeps him updated on best and latest in Tech. Currently, He heads the engineering group that builds Order processing, Warehousing, Fulfillment systems at Homeshop18. Prior to this; He was an Entrepreneur working on large scale crawl and extraction of structured data from the web. He is a Ex-Yahoo! and alumnus of IIT Kanpur.


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