The Fifth Elephant 2013

An Event on Big Data and Cloud Computing

michael gurstein


Riding a kneeling elephant: Community Informatics Bridging Data Into Communities

Submitted Jun 4, 2013

To explore how to link the technical work of software, open data, Big Data and other into the needs of local communities/villages.


This workshop will explore how ICTs and including open data and Right to Information are and can be a support to local development in rural areas including in India and drawing from experiences globally. The workshop will start with a brief introduction to Community Informatics as the broad approach to linking ICTs with local development and then move to interactively engage the workshop participants in discussing how their work or the work that they are interested in might be of use in supporting economic and social development in village India.


No specific requirements except an interest in how to make the work of techies more beneficial to all citizens whatever their location or skill levels.

Speaker bio

Dr. Michael Gurstein is currently Executive Director of the Centre for Community Informatics Research, Development and Training in Vancouver, Canada; Editor in Chief of the Journal of Community Informatics, and Foundation Chair of the Community Informatics Research Network. He has held Research Professorships at universities in Canada and the US. He has consulted to the numerous governments, the African Union; the European Union; the Ford Foundation; the UNDP; and the private sector. His most recent (co-edited) book is Connecting Canadians: Investigations in Community Informatics (AUP) 2012. He blogs at and more details can be found at



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