The Fifth Elephant 2013

An Event on Big Data and Cloud Computing

Pradeep Kumar G.S.


Low Latency Access of Bigdata using Spark and Shark.

Submitted Apr 30, 2013

This session aims at introducing latest Big data technology which involves in low latency access and in-memory data store using Spark framework.


In this session we will have following sections:
1)Spark framework
-1.a) Resilient Distributed Datasets
- 1.b)Apache Mesos - Introduction
2)Mapreduce Vs Spark
3)Hive Vs Shark
4)Use Case : Data collection to Presentation using these framework.
5)Shark Demo:(if time permits)


Basic understanding of hadoop and related big data technologies.

Speaker bio

This is Pradeep Kumar G.S working as Principal Database Engineer at Visual IQ ,Leader in Providing Digital Marketing Attribution ,I am Big data enthusiastic for past 3 years working on Bigdata Technology ,Conducted POC on hadoop and related ECO-system for VIQ.
My final year M.S. project(Open Source Data warehousing as a Service for Enterprise) based on Spark,Shark, Open stack etc.
Preparing to pursue PhD on Similar Area.



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