The Fifth Elephant 2013

An Event on Big Data and Cloud Computing

Swaroop Krothapalli


Can twitter kill Boeing 787 ?

Submitted May 3, 2013

Of late, leading brands have realized the potential opportunities Twitter could provide, much beyond the realm of advertising or making product announcements. Customers are increasingly turning towards this micro-blogging service to talk about various products, lodge complaints and discuss everyday events. As a result, the “buzz” that a brand has over twitter is not just a function of its recent/successful product launches, but also the crowd-sourced opinion about events surrounding the brand. In this context, does a negative spur of events impact the credibility of a brand globally?

In this talk, we describe several studies, and open the room for a discussion on how global events could affect brands. Is the whole chatter about the importance of social-media a reality or a hype?


The 787 Dreamliner battery fire incident in Boston in conjunction with a series of not-so-good events for Boeing was a cause of negative chatter in twitter.

But, was an average passenger worried about these events?

I would like to present my study on Beoing incident and also on product launches, events etc.


Optional but required - knowledge of Twitter

Speaker bio

Currently working as a data journalist. Has experience in generating content for global publishers.


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