The Fifth Elephant 2013

An Event on Big Data and Cloud Computing

Sirish M Simha


Big Data Product Ideas - Building Interactive BI Analytics

Submitted Apr 3, 2013

As more and more companies are embracing Big Data ( read as Hadoop for now) technologies, there are opportunities for companies and geeks to address the ‘GAPS’ by designing and implementing products on Hadoop platform.


  1. Current Scenarios in Hadoop Analytics

  2. List Down the GAPS

  3. List Opportunities

  4. Discuss in Detail - An Interactive BI Analytics tool Design

  5. Q & A

Benefits :

     1. Interactive Analysis on Hadoop Data 

     2. Traditionarily BI tools are exorbitantly priced thus low TCO.


This talk will discuss current scenarios in hadoop analytics and the existing gaps. It will list down couple of product opportunities to fill these gaps. We will deep dive and discuss one such product design - Interactive Analytics tool for Hadoop with technical architecture and implementation strategies. Traditionally, processing on Hadoop (and so Analytics) is batch oriented as it has to go through MapReduce. We will discuss tools and technologies which go beyond MapReduce and will leverage them to build interactive Analytics tool so that the data residing in Hadoop cluster is available for interactive analysis for end users.
This talk will be a bit technical, But No! - You don’t have to know coding :-) as it will be in simple language. I am assuming to have 45 mins - 1hr slot for my talk. I would like to reserve good amount of time for Q&A. This is the outline , let me know in advance if you would like me to address any specific topic related to Hadoop Analytics.


An understanding of Hadoop Eco Sytem (prefered) and Datawarehousing/Business Intelligence Concepts.

Speaker bio

Sirish M. Simha has put > 20 yrs in designing and developing Datawarehousing, Business Intelligence, Data Mining products and solutions. Currently he is a Freelance Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics Consultant with focus on Hadoop Analytics. He is currently working on providing Hadoop - Karmasphere Analytics as a POC.

Prior to this, He was heading Business Intelligence Team of Intel India - nurtured and manged end to end large data warehousing and business intelligence solution based on Teradata, Microstrategy and few home grown tools.
Sirish has also been the chief architect of the First Indian OLAP product Daphne which was showcased way back in 1998. Sirish as product engineering lead delivered a Neural Network based Data Mining Product NeuDataMine (Neusciences UK). He has assumed various roles ranging from developer, project manager, Chief Architect - People Manager to execute and deliver several large scale data integration, business intelligence products and solutions to global customers and employers like Apple, Citgo Petroleum, Lawrence Livermore labs, Bay Networks, Stanford University and VIT (Seachain).


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