Sep 2015
7 Mon
8 Tue
9 Wed
10 Thu
11 Fri
12 Sat 09:00 AM – 09:40 AM IST
13 Sun
Sep 2015
7 Mon
8 Tue
9 Wed
10 Thu
11 Fri
12 Sat 09:00 AM – 09:40 AM IST
13 Sun
A brilliant panel of speakers. An ever enthusiastic audience. Two relevant themes.
Welcome to EXCEL Conferences- a platform to usher in new concepts and fresh outlooks.
As part of EXCEL 2015, its Annual National-level techno-managerial symposium, Govt. Model Engineering College, Kochi, is proud to host ‘The EXCEL Conferences’, a perfect forum to discuss the up and coming trends in today’s world. The stage is thrown open to experts in the field and a healthy albeit engaging discussion is encouraged. This year, the conference will have the central theme as ‘TOWARDS A CONNECTED WORLD’ and will include 2 tracks parallely on Big Data and IoT and Open Hardware.
In just 3 decades or so, Internet has gone through a startling revolution. From initially connecting institutions and businesses, and later individuals, the ubiquity of smart devices and the proliferation of technologies, has paved the way for nearly anything to join the digital conversation. Internet of Things is certainly the next Big Thing! In this modern (Big Data), connected (Smartphones), advertising ridden (Facebook, Twitter, Google) world, where the Internet of Things means devices from your watch and fridge to your thermostat and house plants spit out data, the challenge of bringing data together to a valuable end will become increasingly difficult unless this data is consilient. This is where Data scientists come to the rescue!
Join us, as we kick off Excel Conferences on Big Data and IOT and learn from high-profile thinkers and innovators how Big Data is transforming the future of businesses and IoT, the future of this world. We are looking for talks and workshops from academics and practitioners who are at the cutting edge of developments in IoT and Big Data.
Recommended topics of submission are as follows, but not limited to specifics mentioned :
##Track 1 - Internet of Things & Open Hardware
##Track 2 - Big Data
We invite proposals for:
Govt. Model Engineering College
Hosted by