droidconIN 2015

The fifth edition of droidconIN

satish patel


Unwrapping Android SDK Add-On

Submitted Sep 9, 2015

Objective is to cover

  • Overview of Android SDK add-ons ?
  • How to create platform SDK add-ons for Android devices ?
  • How developers can use SDK add-ons for application development and use platform specific features ?
  • Demostration


With the increasing penetration of Android OS to non-mobile segments, many non-standard features are getting plugged to Android s/w stack. These features can be servered easily to application developers using SDK add-ons. It elminates needs of generation and distribution of full OEM specific SDK. Instead only newly introduced features can be delivered through SDK add-on, which are purely stub libraries to complile application against new features.

Let’s explore more details on why/what/how defination of SDK Add-on.

Speaker bio

Satish Patel is an Android engineer at Linaro. He has over 10 years of expeience spanning across Open Source contribution, Linux drivers, Android porting/bring up & internals, EMV L1, Social Network Service Framework and other cutting edge technologies in embedded domain. He is voluntarily engaged with institutions likes CDAC, IIT Kanpur, and IEEE to provide workshops on Android related topics, including the fundamentals, application and driver development. He is also a member of IEEE, CE chapter at Bangalore. At present, he is working on Android customization for Google’s project ara modular platform. Before joining Linaro he has worked with Texas Instruments, Samsung and eInfochips.




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