droidconIN 2015

The fifth edition of droidconIN

Leena S N

Leena S N


Learnings from building Custom MDM

Submitted Oct 19, 2015

Objective of the talk is to share the learnings on managing high scale enterprise deployments


This talk is about sharing the learnings while developing a Custom MDM [Mobile Device Management] solution we built for one of our customers. The major challenge involved was that the Android Tablets, with a Custom ROM, get installed in a remote location with hardly any access to the device after the initial setup.

The tablets run an app, which are deployed across various clinics across the US, delivers educational content for patients. Both the content for the app and the app itself needed to be managed remotely from a central location. The MDM solution needed to be very reliable with a very high uptime for the tablets.

The major learnings that I want to cover are:

  • How we automated the setup of Android tablets to be deployed to the field by creating a Custom ROM.
  • How the Continuous Delivery engineering practices helped us:
    • Deliver stable product on a frequent basis
    • Feature Toggles allowed us to turn features on/off for quick experiments
    • Create collaboration and ownership among the team as the same team was responsible for development and deployment
    • The challenges we faced for deployments and how did we overcome those

Please find the Mindmap with the outline of the talk here:


Speaker bio

Leena is the Head of Engineering @ Multunus. She was bitten by the TDD bug a couple of years ago. Having done enough TDD in Ruby/Rails, Javascript and Android, she’s moved onto Continuous Delivery (CD) in a big way - even spoke about CD in multiple conferences. She had conducted workshops on TDD and CD during as part of the pevious HasGeek conferences.


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