droidconIN 2015

The fifth edition of droidconIN

Christopher Neugebauer


HTTP By The Numbers!

Submitted Oct 21, 2015

Are you writing a mobile app that needs to do things over a network? Fetching data from an API? Grabbing profile pictures? Syncing stuff? This talk looks at HTTP performance on mobile devices, and tries to benchmark things. With code.

Come and learn how to make your network apps snappy and responksive.


Are you writing a mobile app that needs to do things over a network? Fetching data from an API? Grabbing profile pictures? Syncing stuff? We all know and love HTTP as the ubiquitous protocol that runs the web, and basically every web-based API that’s out there... but how well do we know how it works? What about on mobiles?

Mobile devices are interesting – they can jump from wifi networks connected to low-­latency fixed lines over to capacity-­limited 3G or LTE networks. How does your API communication performance change from network to network? What happens when you need to start loading multiple things at once? Is SSL still a performance inhibitor? And how do things change if you use the new hotness in HTTP land, HTTP/2?

This talk looks at HTTP performance on mobile devices, and tries to benchmark things. With code.

Come and learn how to make your network apps snappy and responksive.

Speaker bio

Christopher is an programmer who lives in the Tasmanian city of Hobart. He currently works as an Android developer, which means his day job involves more Java than he would like. He is strongly interested in developing the Australian and International Python communities: he is director of linux.conf.au 2017, a past convenor of PyCon Australia, a board member of Linux Australia, and has been a fellow of the Python Software Foundation since 2013.

In his spare time, he enjoys presenting on Mobile development at Open Source conferences, and presenting on Open Source development at Mobile conferences.


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droidconIN is an annual conference on Android, part of the worldwide series of events. more