Design and build apps the right way
Talk is to discuss best practices and tips/tricks for engineering android apps that look great, easily manageable and scalable, perform well on as many devices as possible, from phones to tablets and more.
There are thousand of apps being developed and published by thousands of android developers each day but result is frustrating when you do code review, architecture review and check performance. Couple of apps you would find are either developed haphazardly just to achieve the deadline or didn’t followed standard practices or such other reasons.
There are best practices which can help android developers to engineer android applications the right way. I will cover some of the best practices like:
- Gradle best practices
- Architecture best practices for engineering scalable android apps
- Practices for improving performance
- Practices for hunting down memory leaks
- Practices for designing android apps
- Practices for testing android apps. Why, what and how to test android apps!
- Practices - Getting and managing crash reports
- and many other such practices!
Paresh is a mobile application developer with 5 years of apps development experience, has been working on android application development since Cupcake. Currently he works at InfoStretch Corporation Pvt. Ltd as Senior Software Engineer in Enterprise mobile solutions and he is working on the BLE based health care project.
He is a frequent speaker at conferences such as Android Developer Days (Droidcon Ankara), DevFest and NitroDroid, on topics ranging from android development best practices, Android BLE.
He is one of the organizers of Google Developers Group in Ahmedabad. He is very active in supporting Android developers community in India and worldwide be it through his tech blog TechnoTalkative (published >150 articles) or through StackOverflow (holder of >50,000 reputation).
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