droidconIN 2015

The fifth edition of droidconIN

Hari (ഹരി)

@haricm Proposing

Android Basics Workshop

Submitted Nov 19, 2015

Interested in learning how to create Android apps? This Android training course is designed to quickly get you up to speed on how to build Android apps for Android devices.


Android being the most widely used mobile OS, getting an App up and running on it would be a wise first step to take into the world of mobile app development. Keeping this in mind and the ever increasing demand for skilled Android developers in the industry, we are organizing a two-day Beginner level Android dev workshop.

###Day 1

####Session 1 - Anenth Guru

  • Intro to Android, Hello World, IDE setup

####Session 2 - Anenth Guru

  • Activity, UI components, layout, illustration with simple calculator

####Session 3 - Arun

  • Multi-screen activity interactions / navigations using Intents, illustration with simple ToDo app
  • Interaction with system applications - Contacts, gallery, share via (Intent filters)

####Session 4 - Arvind

  • Activity Lifecycle
  • Broadcast receiver illustration with handling of system broadcasts - system reboot, wifi / data switch, battery low

###Day 2

####Session 1 - Anenth

  • Location services (different ways in accessing lat-long, plotting current location on map) and Network APIs illustration with reverse lookup of Geo coordinates to address

####Session 2 - Arvind

  • Android services, background service, illustration through integration with REST API in the backend

####Session 3 - Arun

  • Working with Persistence storage, preferences, SQLite, Content provider

####Session 4 - Anenth Guru

  • Prototyping (idea to wireframes to implementation) and Google Play Store submission



  • Core Object Oriented programming preferably in Java.
  • Exposure to IntelliJ IDE would be useful.
  • It is recommended that participants go through IntelliJ tutorial and practice OOP in Java including the collection library and multi-threaded programming.

Speaker bio

###Anenth Guru
Anenth has been building apps on Android for the past 5 years. He started with mobile app development while he co-founded his earlier startup - Ideophone, where he built location aware apps for the Indian market. Currently works at Zendrive, a startup building a Driver Analytics platform. He loves participating in Hackathons and he has lost count of the number of events he attended in Bangalore in the past few years :)
###Arunkumar Krishnamoorthy
Arun is a hands-on solution architect with more than 15 yrs of Sofware Development experience on open source stack encompassing HTML5/Javascript*, JavaEE/NodeJS, Relational/NoSQL, EAI, distributed computing on Hadoop and Mobile application development on Android. Arun is an avid learner and passionate mentor delivering various technology workshops including Android at different leading IT companies in Bangalore. Arun has built an Android app for his school collaboration portal “Paatashaala” as well as helped a startup to build an app for mico finance institution for the field agents.
###Arvind Devaraj
Arvind worked extensively on Android Graphics, GPU Programming and OpenGL drivers at Nvidia. He is co-founder of Hyperbook (getbook.co), a product for organizing and visualizing every byte of user’s information using Mind-maps. He also co-founded Limitless, a popular Chrome extension for hacking online productivity. He loves to meet people at hackathons, conferences and meetups.


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