Mar 2019
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30 Sat 09:00 AM – 09:50 AM IST
31 Sun 09:00 AM – 09:50 AM IST
Gaurav Sitlani
Submitted Feb 4, 2019
We are transitioning into the era where rate of growth of data is becoming rapidly exponential with AI and data science gaining popularity in the market already. There are only a few handful of open source solutions which have been able to make this transition smooth for the world. In this talk we’ll touch base on the basics of software defined storage and distributed systems. And then move on to talk about the journey of Ceph from its inception to become a highly scalable SDS solution. We’ll learn how to build Ceph on our own machines, manage and test it on a single node. And how to contribute to the Ceph project.
Talk duration : 30-45 minutes + Q&A
Legacy storage and its challenges.
Introduction to Software Defined Storage
An overview about unified storage : File , Block and Object.
How Ceph started, its features and benefits.
Peeking a bit under the hood to understand how it manages data
A preview - Ceph at scale and building it.
Gaurav Sitlani - A FOSS enthusiast who started his contributions with Mini Debconf 2016.
Delivered talks and helped in organizing many events.
Currently working at Red Hat.
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