Libre, not Gratis

Amit Kucheria


Building robust embedded systems with open source

Submitted Feb 26, 2018

There is an increase in the use of the Linux kernel and other open source projects in embedded systems. This talk will address the design considerations that need to be taken into account to raise the bar for a minimal viable product.

While knowledge of programming and operating systems will be helpful, it is not required.


  • Introduction
  • Walk through each of the design considerations
  • Conclusions

Speaker bio

Amit is a long-time Linux developer, an avid traveler and doesn’t want to settle. After majoring in computer networking, he worked for a startup in San Diego designing wireless routers.

He then moved to Finland to work for Nokia where he lead the Power Management team, that among other things, worked on the N900 Linux phone. Later, being the “ARM kernel guy” at Canonical gave him an opportunity to get involved in Linaro to make ARM the best-supported architecture in Linux.

After leading the Power Management Working Group at Linaro for 5 years, it was time to find new challenges. He then helped get the initiative off the ground. The idea was to fix a pet peeve of his: making available low cost, high-performance boards available to the community for their projects.

kernel, power management, 96boards


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