GSoC Meetup October 2016

Interact with former GSoC Partitipants

Karan Sharma


GSoC with coala

Submitted Oct 3, 2016

coala really has a very beginner friendly community which is present at . It’s very apt to assume that coala comes under easy to contribute projects, so that all the newcomers don’t have a lot of trouble getting their first contribution accepted upstream. But with that being said, coala does have a really rigorous review process which eventually helps the contributor.


This talk will mainly focus on the work I did for coala during my GSoC 2016. I will also help the attendees to get started with coala if they are interested, and will talk about how to get started with FOSS contributions in general.

Speaker bio

Karan Sharma is pursuing an undergraduate degree in Computer Science and he dabbles with all things Python. He’s also a Google Summer of Code’16 student at coala. He has done significant contribution in coala and helps newcomers to get started with coala.

In his free time, he gives talks at his university’s local ACM chapter and promotes FOSS over there.

Speaker Links:


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