Digital Consumer Conference

Consumer experiences of data economy systems

Srikanth Lakshmanan

Srikanth Lakshmanan


Unlocking Digital Locker to understand personal data privacy

Submitted Feb 5, 2021

DigiLocker run by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Govt of India is a personal data store that aggregates structured data documents from data issuers and allows individuals to access / share them to data requesters.

Besides government agencies ‘issuing’ data documents such Aadhaar, PAN, Drivers license, caste certificates among 450+ document types in machine friendly formats, digital locker also will be housing National Academic Depository, CoVID vaccination certificates and possibly extended to electronic health records with ‘Health Locker’.

The session aims to review DLTS framework, its handling of personal data, the reference implementation Digilocker and its APIs to inspect the privacy capabilities of the infrastructure through a study of technology architecture.


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