This project is a call for submitting talks and write-ups on Observability and related SRE topics for Bangalore Observability Meetups. The meetups take place every month, with:

  1. Two long talks of 30 mins duration or more on Observability tools, latest developments and use cases.
  2. Flash talks of 5 mins each with a demo - show-and-tell.
  3. Discussion and networking after the meetup.

The meetups are live streamed. Talks are recorded during the meetup. Talks are processed as individual videos, uploaded and shared with participants and on social media one week after the meetup.

See the list of topics for speaking on the Submissions page.

For more information, contact @hashfyre on Twitter

Hosted by

We are all about Open Source monitoring & observability. Anything open and community-driven fits the bill and we’re always looking for speakers. more