VizChitra 2025

VizChitra 2025

A space to connect and create with data

Jayaram Kasi Visweswaran


Open source data viz library for react - headless-charts/react

Submitted Mar 23, 2025

When you need to build integrated dashboards within react apps, with custom interactions and have unopinionated styling, the pickings are slim indeed. So we built an open source library which can be used in React apps, which can integrate with TailwindCSS styles and behave in a completely headless fashion.

The key takeaway to present an alternate way to integrating charts in dashboards, and to think in terms of first principles.

Product managers, Developers, data viz practitioners.

Jayaram was the cofounder of a logistics company, before joining the team at Vonnue as a Partner. He heads the data and AI track at Vonnue, and was one of the co-authors of the headless-charts/react library. He was a guest faculty for “storytelling through data” at IIM Trichy, and has conducted an entire half credit course.


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